Friday 5 February 2016

February - A Month of Romance

We live in fast changing times.
Romance is not what it used to be.
Personal relationships are changing too.

Remember the marriage market from Jane Austen’s regency world?

Or a woman regarded as part of the household goods and chattels by her Victorian Age husband.

The vintage housewife from the 1950’s was supposed to be happy with her shiny new electrical appliances that lightened the load of her chores. The whizzy gigs like vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and washing machines gave her more time to attend to her bread-winner husband’s and family’s needs.

So what about today?
What’s the state of romance and relationships in the modern world?
That’s too big a question for me to ever answer.

The western culture or society that has evolved over the last couple of centuries is now being challenged and defended, is crumbling and being shored up.
Awareness of the narrow definitions of beauty, sexuality, romance, relationships and love is growing all over the world.

It seems many people are searching for companions and special moments of intimacy and love. 

If you can’t get the real connections, you can always pick up a romance book…
There’s a banquet of stories out there to entertain and inspire until you meet your heart’s desire.

All things are possible.
With an open heart, nothing is impossible.

Dream…a lovely dream.
Then you’ll start your morning with a smile.
Brimming with positive energy, who knows what will happen next?

For the month of February, I will be posting about courtship, romance and love here on the blogger and lots more on Google +
I’m just a little bit excited… very thrilled about the upcoming posts on music, art and books.
I’m going to tango out of here.

Until next time,
share the love.
You are precious,
to the people who love you.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Images sourced from 

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